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As a dramatist and fellow artist dedicated to rekindling the flame of Kahlil Gibran’s timeless message, I was elated to experience this compelling new presentation of The Prophet’s words. Speaking also as a fellow music producer, I was completely moved by the beauty of the voices, the superb harmonies, and the musical genre chosen for each song in this collection... read more
MICHEL ASHKAR, producer/actor and author of “A Child of Life," the one-manshow dramatizing the life of Kahlil Gibran

The music came together beautifully. The variety of styles and moods is wonderful, and very much expresses the poet’s intent. It gave me the chills... which is a very good thing!
KIM ANGELIS, Award-Winning “Violin Voyager”

Thank you for the wonderful concert to help us raise funds for We were so blessed by your music and beautiful voice, and also by your commitment to peace and love as witnessed through the words of Gibran.
Rev. Susan Oeffler, Los Altos UMC

Song of The Prophet is remarkable. In the midst of our present music scene, it is gratifying to hear lyrics of such historic caliber, performed for a new generation.
Rev. NAN SELF, Campus Minister, ret.

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